In the films, he is still angry and occasionally goes off by himself in the second movie, but has a soft spot for the young people the team meets. He does still show caring for his brothers as him and Mikey are shown to be very close, with the two of them pulling pranks on Casey Jones and Raph becoming enraged when Krang nearly kills Mikey. Een van de vele artikelen die verkrijgbaar zijn bij onze Kostuums-afdeling hier bij Fruugo! Hij praat met een Brooklyn accent, en heeft vaak argumenten met Leonardo en Michelangelo. wished to know what made the Turtles different from other mutants. When Michelangelo annoys him, Raphael would insult him. In the comic book series' Volume 4, he is still the most violent turtle, but is more sociable. He reassures Mikey and comfort him. Raphael is a member of the Ninja Turtles, along with Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello. He also remained in contact with their newly-estranged brother Michelangelo, assuring him that he knew how hard it was to be homeless, and that Michelangelo would always have a home with them. Afterwards, he and his brothers were attacked by the Collectors, and Raphael was forced to go on an inter-dimensional journey with Ray Stantz, resulting in his body temporarily being stolen by Viking ghosts. Sometimes he would hit them or challenge them especially in training and other times they will team up to mock Leonardo. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. Raphael openly admits that the mere thought of his youngest brother being grievously injured causes him to experience violent rage. [15]. In 2008, Raphael shared the fifth place with Leonardo on TechCrunch's list of Top 10 Video Game Ninja Characters. Zijn wapens zijn twee sai. He also has small spikes protruding from his shoulders, black eyes, a small sharp tooth hanging from his upper right jaw, three fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot. Raphael is most famous for his temperamental personality, being short-tempered, aggressive, sullen, maddened, and rebellious. However when Michelangelo is in danger, Raphael would help him. Van zijn drie broers kan Raphael het best overweg met Michelangelo, en gaf dit zelfs doe in het vierde deel van de originele serie. From then on, Raphael watched and guarded his brother from a distance; including keeping Alopex away from him but did not engage him. Beschikt over kracht en snelheid van een olympisch atleet. Tortue raphael. His relationship with Donatello is easy. This is also somewhat similar to an earlier storyline during Volume 1, where Raphael was attacked by a leech-like creature who, when sucking his blood, also drained him of the mutagen in his body and reverted him to a small turtle. He appears in TMNT: Smash Up as a playable character, with Frank Frankson reprising his role. Ninja Turtle (original) Show More. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #110 just gave Raphael his Fast and Furious moment when a biker gang threatens to ruin his date night with Alopex. However, he became increasingly uncomfortable with Splinter's methods. Show More. As the Seasons progressed. Finally, after tracking down the creature, Raphael manages to bite it and pierce its skin, thereby drinking its blood and mutating back. 0 Raphael’s relationship with his two brothers Michelangelo and Donatello is not as bad as his relationship with Leonardo but it can be tense at times. 132 + Follow - Unfollow 3px arm (Slim) Background Raphael (Ninja Turtle) sslyskins. Zijn periode als de Nightwatcher was de enige keer dat Raphael een ander ninjawapen gebruikte: de manriki. Vooral Michelangelo was vaak het slachtoffer van Raphaels opmerkingen. In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, he is played by Kenn Troum, and voiced by Laurie Faso, and in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III film he is played by Matt Hill, and voiced by Tim Kelleher. [12][13][14] In the film, he is aggressive and struggles with following orders. In de prequel strips die werden gemaakt naar aanleiding van de vierde film bleek dat Raphael de Nightwatcher werd nadat hij er niet in slaagde een oude man te redden die ook ooit een misdaadbestrijder was. Later, Raphael wore Shredder's armor in an attempt to psychologically dominate a number of the New York Mob, with whom the Foot Clan was engaged in a losing gang war. De twee werden ondanks hun gewelddadige kennismaking goede bondgenoten. However, he was devastated upon returning back to New York, where a dying Donatello was barely saved by the Fugitoid by being transferred into the body of the robot Metalhead. Raphael Ninja Turtle HD Wallpapers. In de oudere zwart-wit strips van Mirage Comics was Raphael de meest gewelddadige van de Turtles. Raphael is also petrified of cockroaches until he managed to defeat the mutant cockroach, Spyroach. Raphaels relatie met Michelangelo is uniek in deze serie. View, comment, download and edit ninja turtle raphael Minecraft skins. Raphael, nicknamed Raph, is a fictional superhero and one of the four main characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media and second oldest/mid-middle-child of the turtle brothers. 21 juin 2019 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Manu Blain. Later on he got an alien turtle named Chompy Picasso. In the issue, Raphael is attacked by a gang who turn out to be vampires. The brothers reunited for a trip to Burnow Island shortly thereafter, where they encountered a mysterious alligator mutant named Leatherhead. He once told him that he is an awesome guy. Hij had de neiging om bij een gevecht in een staat van blinde woede te raken. Raphael also appears in the 2014 film-based game, voiced by Roy Samuelson. In stock on December 22, 2020. ", "Michael Bay Insists His Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Come From The Ooze",, Raphael profile on official TMNT web site, Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Turtle Power: The Definitive History of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles to be expanded from September 2011, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 December 2020, at 22:19. Raphael appears in the live action series, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, as well as its crossover episode with Power Rangers in Space portrayed by Mitchell A. Lee Yuen and voiced by Matt Hill. Upload Download Add to … He participated in the final fight against Shredder along with his brothers, with his father as the victor. He is the only Teenage Turtle brother whose name does not end in the letter "O". Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep12 Raphael Mutant Apocalypse, Part 2 -... - Part 01 HD Stream Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep12 Raphael Mutant Apocalypse, Part 2 -... - Part 01 Online Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep12 Raphael Mutant Apocalypse, Part 2 -... - Part 01 Online Stream Hij is sarcastisch en vaak erg gemeen tegen zijn broers. Based on the iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™ character, this highly-articulated figure comes with his signature twin sai and premium printed comic-book styled decoration, as well as a buildable stand with printed name detail for the ultimate display. Costume de bonne qualité. In de strips ging Raphael een strak zwart pak dragen, en kreeg een vriendin in de vorm van een antropomorfe vos. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Raphael ninja turtle rafadafadoo. The intervention also led his reincarnated father, now a lab rat, and the Turtles to be doused with a chemical cocktail that triggered their mutation. Raphael is voiced by Sean Astin in the 2012 series.[8]. His best friend is generally regarded as Casey Jones - and is the best man at Casey and April O'Neil's wedding in the final episode of this series. He uses it very often. In the 2018 animated series, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Omar Benson Miller voices Raphael, who in this incarnation is the eldest turtle brother and physically biggest brother. He and the other turtles along with Casey and April are seen through a portal by their 2012 counterparts walking on a road and he made a speaking cameo along with the other turtles at the end of the episode when a space worm from the 2012 dimension started terrorizing the street. They pursued the alligator to New York, but lost him. Déguisement de Raphael Tortue Ninja pour enfant: Déguisements Halloween, Carnaval et fête costumée. Raphael ninja turtle rafadafadoo. Enfile ton bandana rouge, empoigne ton tonfa et commence à t'entraîner comme les Tortues Ninja ! In the battle at the turtle's lair with the Foot, Raph is crushed under rubble and is presumed dead. He is the first turtle that April O' Neil sees after stopping the Foot Clan, although she does not get a good look at him and thinks he's a man. Dit is in tegenstelling tot zijn sai geen dodelijk wapen. 372 . 4.3 out of 5 stars 74. 4 . Gedurende de "Future Shark Trilogy" verhaallijn, kwam een toekomstige versie van Raphael naar het heden. In de film TMNT, raakte Raphael extreem gefrustreerd en werd uitermate gewelddadig. Prior to Leonardo being named the official team leader by Splinter in the second season finale, Raph is the team's de facto leader, a change from previous incarnations, and his enthusiasm and bravado puts him front and center for most of their bizarre adventures. When Splinter attempted to imprison the Turtles for their own safety, Raphael was particularly outraged. € 5,00 15 déc.. '20. Show Less. The series portrays and gives importance to his violent and rebellious spirit. He is usually depicted wearing a red eye mask; in this regard he is the only turtle to retain the color in all media, whereas the others each received a different color. After having been bitten by a vampire-like creature, he experienced a further mutation, and became a large, dinosaur-like version of himself. [10] In Leonardo's absence, he has spent his nights as an armored vigilante known as The Nightwatcher. In 2003, Mirage published Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #12 (Peter Laird, Jim Lawson, Eric Talbot) which had a shocking twist for Raphael: he turned into a dinosaur. However Raphael would make fun or get annoyed with Michelangelo’s antics. In de 2007 TMNT werd zijn stem gedaan door Nolan North. A normal pet turtle named Spike, which later mutates and becomes this show's version of Slash. Christine Leonie Zwijndrecht. Michelangelo and Raphael’s relationship is not exactly confrontational. Raphael (Ninja Turtle) sslyskins. Like all of the brothers, he is named after a Renaissance artist; in this case, he is named after the 16th-century Italian painter Raphael. When his father became leader of the Foot Clan, Raphael reluctantly joined as well, though he remained somewhat distant from it compared to Leonardo. Raphael also gives his younger and youngest brother Michelangelo a hard time because of Michelangelo’s fiery optimism. Both of them tend to argue with each other. He panicked as he mutated and was taken under the wing of a homeless man named Buck. It may be a coincidence, but the fact that he has a bad and fiery attitude and temper and the fact that his mask is still red may be linked, since the color red is typically associated with anger. Vooral het feit dat hij geen rivaliteit had met Leonardo was opvallend. After the second story arc, Raphael changed costumes and began wearing an all dark ninja outfit which he won during an Alien Wrestling Match. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 5 sep 2020 om 04:23. He is the second eldest of the turtles, and second-in-command. In TMNT, Raphael serves as one of the two main protagonist in the film, (due to most of the film focusing on the rivalry between him and Leo) voiced by Nolan North. About 5 days ago . Hij gaat nog wel geregeld alleen op pad in deze films. personnel, before being rescued by Casey, Angel and Alopex. He is much more like his other incarnations. Normally, he would have gotten fangs and started drinking blood, but because of the mutagen in his body, Raphael didn't turn into a vampire. The origin of Raphael's anger is not always fully explored, but in some incarnations appears to stem partly from the realization that they are the only creatures of their kind and ultimately alone. When he awakes, he finds a dying Splinter who tells him and April to save his brothers. Déguisement de raphael des tortues ninja ,ce déguisement comprend la combinaison imprimée avec la ceinture et le masque . He along with Donatello and Leonardo don't try to get April's attention unlike Michelangelo who does voice his feelings to April. In the independent published series of the Image Comics #24, Raphael had an eyepatch and red bandana for the whole issue and was even angrier than ever. In the Image series that treated the first two volumes of the Mirage Comics as canonical, Raphael was blasted in the face and disfigured. Raphael is one of the main playable characters in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows videogame, where he is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui. He began his new life in the present as a young turtle in the laboratory of StockGen Research, Inc., Baxter Stockman's genetics laboratory and served as a guinea pig for an experiment to be grown to be an naturally armored super soldier. Available now at - No binding - Book Condition: Good - Titre : Tortues Ninja : Raphaël : "Raphaël tortue modèle" Auteurs : Editeur : His physical profile is similar to various versions of Slash, most versions of whom are also snapping turtles. Raphael's personality in the 1987 animated series deviates the most from all other incarnations, though the show's theme song states that Raphael is "cool, but rude"[6] (he takes a slice of pizza with his sai and shoves the rest of it onto the screen). In this incarnation, Raphael is described (in the theme song) as having "the most attitude on the team". Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows,, Personage uit Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wikipedia:Geen afbeelding lokaal en geen op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Mitchell A. Lee Yuen, Kenn Troum, Matt Hill, Alan Ritchson. Raphael is large and muscular, with bright green skin, a yellow-orange plastron with a jagged top edge and a spiked dark green carapace. Raph kan vaak niet goed opschieten met zijn oudere broer Leonardo, al denkt hij wel dat hij en Leonardo de ninjitsu-vaardigheden beter beoefenen dan andere broers Michelangelo en Donatello. In deze serie is Raphaels persoonlijkheid net zoals in de eerste film en de tweede animatieserie. Master Splinter then tells Raphael that his strength, his passion, and his loyalty to the people he cares about are also merits of a great leader, if it can be tempered with compassion. $24.98. [9] Unlike past versions, he does not use his trademarked Sai, but rather he uses a pair of Tonfa. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael Giant Figure 4.7 out of 5 stars 296. Raphael in the film is also shown to have a fear of great heights, possibly due to the events of the first film; while the other turtles leap out of an airplane with little thought Raphael puts on a parachute and even then must psych himself up to perform the jump. They then fought the Penguin and his goons and later Batman, who easily defeats them and takes one of his Sais. Devastated, Raphael blamed the entire event on himself, and set out to savagely beat information on the Foot Clan from informants until Michelangelo and Donatello stopped him. Despite this wariness, he still went on errands to Hob on Splinter's behalf. Michelangelo heeft de neiging om zijn broer eindeloos te irriteren met practical jokes en woordgrappen. In the first few video games, based on the 1987 cartoon, Raphael was an unpopular character because of the short range of his weapon. Hij heeft een kort lontje, is de eerste die de menselijke personages April O'Neil en Casey Jones ontmoet, en daagt Leonardo vaak verbaal uit. When Casey was badly beaten by his father, Raphael lost his temper and set out to murder the man, but was stopped by Splinter, who taught him that he fights with too much anger. Raphael hated the fact that Leonardo is the leader and Raphael would try to take over as leader. Hij werd een gemaskerde vigilante genaamd “The Nightwatcher”, die 's nachts rondzwierf om straatbendes en andere misdaad te bevechten. He does still get annoyed at Donatello when he does talk of his calculations in a way the others don't understand. 24 juin 2016 - Explorez le tableau « raphael x mona lisa » de Ericka, auquel 189 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. Raphael's character design was updated, giving him green eyes as well as a small, lightning-shaped chip out of his plastron across his left shoulder. In de eerste film is Raphael de turtle wiens personage het meest wordt uitgewerkt. This version of Raphael has a personality which is more akin to his Mirage incarnation - he is angrier and more sardonic, but not quite as violent as his darker personality from the comics, unless furious - as proven in one incident where he almost smashed Michelangelo's head in with a pipe after Mikey beat him in a sparring match. (voice by Ben Rausch) While Leonardo is the default turtle outside the gear loadout, he, Michelangelo and Donatello can only be picked through the said loadout selection similar to the premier skin characters. In the future, Raphael would lose an eye during a conflict with the Shredder, Verminator X, and Armaggon (in most of the future timeline incarnations of Raphael, his left eye is missing). Get ready for a brawl with this collectible Raphael figure! Hij versloeg de criminelen en werd zelfs een tijdje leider van de Foot. Daarmee is hij de enige turtle die zijn oorspronkelijke kleur bandana heeft behouden (in de eerste strips hadden alle Turtles een rode bandana). Bovendien miste hij een oog. He is more close to his brothers in the film than in most adaptations. $24.99. Masque de Raphael Tortues Ninja pour enfant: Le plus grand choix de Masques pour Halloween ou Carnaval. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Leonardo Giant Figure 4.7 out of 5 stars 259. In deze film werd zijn typische Brooklyn accent geïntroduceerd. They get along very well. Raphael wields twin sai, the points of which are usually sharpened, as his primary weapon. Individually Raphael’s relationship with Michelangelo is fair. Aujourd'hui on regarde la figurine de chez NECA de Raphael sortie du filme les Tortues Ninja ! Donnie also doesn't support Mikey's admiration of The Nightwatcher and even though Donnie doesn't know that Raph is The Nightwatcher, believes that Raph should get a normal job to support the family. Raph wears a red … He has a quick temper, uses profanity and verbally challenges his older brother Leonardo. Media in category "Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)" The following 22 files are in this category, out of 22 total. During the trial, he participated in the defense of Planet Neutrino from the Malignoid swarm. Daarin nam Michael Gough het over. $4.99 shipping. All four turtles see the worm and spring into action while shouting their famous catchphrase, 'Cowabunga'. He defeated many E.P.F. In tegenstelling tot zijn rebelse en stijfkoppige persoonlijkheid in de strips was de Raphael in deze animatieserie een sarcastisch en bijdehand individu. In this movie, the animosity between Raphael and Leonardo is the most straight-forward due to Raphael's anger at his brother leaving. This would be Rob Paulsen's second role in the 2012 series, the other being Donatello while he returned to his role as Raphael for the cameo. In the first few video games, based on the 1987 cartoon, Raphael was an unpopular character because of the short range of his weapon. Deze incarnatie van Raphael had veel minder confronterende realties met zijn vrienden en mede turtles. When Burnow Island was attacked by Bishop, Raphael was reluctant to assist the Utroms and Triceratons, but accompanied his brothers anyway. Menu. However, Buck was murdered by some street thugs, inspiring rage and grief in Raphael. It is also shown that he has an appreciation for nature as it appears to calm him. Perhaps the most telling description of Raphael can be found within April O’Neil’s journal. She once wrote that Raphael scared her, and that he was very “unbalanced” and “unpredictable.” Generally speaking, Raphael is a loose cannon. He doesn’t respond well to authority (with the sole exception of Splinter) and does whatever fe… By Renaldo Matadeen Oct … Hij droeg lange tijd een van Casey Jones’ hockeymaskers, en later een ooglapje. He trained extensively with them for the next month, making incredible progress and being rewarded with a pair of sais at the end of it. They would team up to fight and challenge Donatello and Michelangelo during training. He killed Cheng with whom he had been friends in issue #25, and as soon as Pimiko was killed by the gauntlet of Lady Shredder, Raph removed his bandana and eyepatch to reveal his left eye was no longer disfigured but was back to normal. In this incarnation, he has a dark, bright green skin color, much more vivid than those of his brothers. [4] In 2011, Raphael placed 23rd on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes,[5] a list that did not feature any of his brothers. N'hésitez pas a vous abonner pour regarder d'autres vidéos et … Raphael is a sardonic wise-guy, and supplies comic relief alongside Michelangelo, whose humor is usually attributed to his ignorance and spaciness, whereas Raphael is more sardonic and sarcastic. Raphael often shows a caring, more laid-back, side of himself when around his youngest brother, frequently indulging the youngest turtle emotionally when at home and ferociously protecting him from harm when in battle. Download Raphael Ninja Turtle desktop & mobile backgrounds, photos in HD, 4K high quality resolutions from category Creative & Graphics with ID #30368. When Leonardo attempted to change the past by killing Oroku Saki in medieval Japan, it was Raphael who talked him out of it. He went into a state of berserk animal rage because of it, but with some guidance by an inner manifestation of Master Splinter, he regained his original mentality and later assisted Leonardo and Casey Jones in tracking down the vampires who attacked him. Raphael would erupt at Leonardo and Leonardo would either try to calm him down or confront him. Like Leo, Raph doesn't have any changes to his physical appearance beyond the style of animation. In de derde film werd hij gespeeld door Matt Hill en werd zijn stem gedaan door Tim Kelleher. He has a somewhat cynical and sarcastic sense of humor. 0 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Dec 17, 2020 . His relationship with Leonardo is strained. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. In latere spellen werd hij ontworpen om de snelste Turtle te zijn. Luckily though, he does more beating up … 6 0 0. hes a ninja turtle, what else you want? In de eerste film werd Raphaels stem gedaan door Josh Pais. 97 In de tweede animatieserie is Raphaels persoonlijkheid meer in overeenstemming met die van de Raphael uit de eerste film. When April takes their picture, Raph threatens her even after Donatello erases her phone's memory data. Raphael ontmoette in zijn kortlopende soloserie de menselijke vigilante Casey Jones, die zelfs nog gewelddadiger en onstabieler was dan hij. During an attack by Old Hob, the other Turtles intervened, and brought an uncertain but happy Raphael home to Splinter. Teenage mutant ninja tortue vintage. Comme neuf Enlèvement ou Envoi. Meester in. In the fifteen months after his mutation he eked out a miserable existence as a vagrant on the streets of New York City without a memory of his life before his transformation, or even of a name. Deze verhaallijn is gelijk aan een ouder verhaal waarin een bloedzuigerachtig wezen het mutatiegen uit zijn lichaam zoog en hem weer veranderde in een normale schildpad. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Tortue ninja mutante adolescente Raphael. Paulsen once again provided the voices of the 1987 Raphael and the 2012 Donatello in the season 4 episode, "Trans-Dimensional Turtles" and the three part series final "Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady".[7]. He later said to Leonardo he had a thing for Pimiko, and like Donatello with Baxter's help on ridding him of cyborg parts, Raphael kept his crush on Pimiko a secret. Here, it is established that he shares a closer relationship with news reporter April O'Neil having saved her from the Foot Clan on several occasions. Zwijndrecht 15 déc.. '20. Despite joining his brothers in their training and patrols, Raphael maintained his friendship with Casey by sometimes going out and assaulting criminals. Raphael brak met zijn woordgrappen ook vaak de vierde wand. 64 $19.99 $19.99. In de stripserie uit 2001 (Volume 4), is Raphael nog altijd de meest gewelddadige Turtle, maar wel socialer en minder verbitterd. Idéal pour vos … Overall Raphael is close with him. robots and Splinter was abducted. Sometimes he would walk out the team which happened many times. Donatello and Raphael would roast each other and sometimes argue. The first portrayal of Raphael in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles took place in the animated series which was released in 1987. One could use several words to describe the Ninja Turtle named Raphael. Some of them are: argumentative, impulsive, hot-tempered, rebellious, volatile, and violent. In the 1990 film adaptation, Raphael is voiced by Josh Pais. He is also considerably less angry and serious than previous incarnations, though still eager to get into fights. He and Michelangelo used their skill and agility to pit Bebop and Rocksteady against each other. At the O'Neil Farm in Northampton, Raphael clashed again with the emotionally-disturbed Leonardo, until Leonardo physically attacked him. Master Splinter then explains to Raphael that his tendency to put the world's problems on his own shoulders as a protector of the weak is a great quality and that while he may not be his favorite student, it does not mean he is his least favorite son. Samen met Michelangelo was hij de vrolijke noot van de serie. He’s usually the first to compliment his invention. In particular, he blamed himself for leaving Donatello behind. € 5,00 15 déc.. '20. Raphael, nicknamed Raph, is a fictional superhero and one of the four main characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media and second oldest/mid-middle-child of the turtle brothers.[2]. He donned a slightly variant version of the armor, and pretended to be the Shredder to get the advantage on his pursuers. This leads to a physical confrontation between Raphael and Leonardo and resulting in Raphael almost mortally wounding Leonardo before retreating - suddenly realising what he was about to do, and running in fear from his anger. Raph is a kelly green mutant, ninja turtle, with goo green eye color and is the second-oldest. Een belangrijke ontwikkeling in zijn personage werd duidelijk toen hij toestond dat Leonardo alleen de The Shredder versloeg in deel 21 van Volume 1.

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