In answering the question, "How accurate is. It's a neurological pain. Accueil Media TV "Intouchables" : Rencontrez Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Sellou, les personnages qui ont inspirés le film October 08, 2019 | par Quentin Autier "Intouchables" est un film incroyablement touchant et émouvant qui n'a laissé personne indifférent. It didn’t take long for his run-ins with the police to begin and he eventually dropped out of school. Sellou's idiosyncratic and candidly charming voice is magnificently captured in this memoir, a fact to which his friend Philippe Pozzo di Borgo testifies in his touching preface for the book. The recent popular French film 'Almost best Friends' is based on the life-story and book of Sellou and di Borgo. And he was given to people who had never been parents and seem to have no idea of how to be parents. Abdel Sellou now lives in Algeria with his wife and three children, where he runs a chicken farm. Tuesday for visiting Frenchman, Comte Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, an executive with Moet et Chandon. I need a guy crazy enough not to be afraid of the situation. -The TelegraphOne of nine children, Abdel says that he was “the devil” of his family from an early age. Ils apparaissent quelques instants, à la fin du film : Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Yasmin Sellou, le « vrai » duo incarné à l'écran par François Cluzet et Omar Sy. Celle de Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Sellou. Pozzo et Abdel : à la vie, à l'humour ... Philippe Pozzo di Borgo prendra l'avion pour retrouver ses terres d'Essaouira, au Maroc. Many of the wild things that Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart's characters do in the movie were inspired by the real-life exploits of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and his caretaker Abdel Sellou. This version, the one that I read, is told by the other. Download this stock image: Abdel Sellou (L) and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo sit next to each other during a reading session on stage in the Columbiahalle arts and concert venue in Berlin, Germany, 3 December 2012. So he was the best person we could imagine." -The Intouchables Premiere Interview. Or perhaps its that Abdel had no idea that rules or limits ever applied to him. It’s also clear that this story couldn’t be told until the statute of limitations had run out on his youthful crime spree, which seems to have lasted into his 20s. Tu as changé ma vie, Abdel Sellou, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, J'ai Lu. But this true story was originally told by only one of the partners in this bromance. The real-life Abdel Sellou (left) and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo pictured in 2012 At the age of 42, he began the next chapter of his life - confined to a wheelchair. In his memoir, Philippe never mentions that their relationship was anything more than professional. He seems to be a character who always looks on the bright side, and does not worry much if at all about tomorrow. And it will be again – the American version is titled The Upside and seems to have been filmed in 2017, although I’m not sure it was ever in theaters. His counselor had encouraged him to apply for the position. -The Telegraph, Abdel Sellou, who is renamed Dell and portrayed by Kevin Hart in the movie, worked as Philippe Pozzo di Borgo's caregiver for ten years. "Intouchables" est un film incroyablement touchant et émouvant qui n'a laissé personne indifférent. While both men are short with relatively square faces, Philippe's real-life caretaker, Abdel Sellou, is an Algerian Muslim, not a black American. This is emphasized in the movie as we see Dell (Kevin Hart) humming along to, Philippe and Abdel Documentary & Related Videos, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. One such prank saw them speed around the city in his posh car until they got pulled over by police, then Philippe would fake a seizure forcing the cops to take them to the nearest hospital. Together, they made a game of speeding through Paris in Philippe's Rolls-Royce until the police pulled them over. Or it may be part of his ability to always see the sunnier side of every situation, even the terrible ones. Even his caretaker Abdel Sellou, who was played by French actor Omar Sy in the film, needed help. "And my wife was very sick and had a few months left to live, and we were both on our bed in bad shape. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo a eu un grave accident de parapente à l’âge de 42 ans, devenant paraplégique. Ce soir, mardi 22 novembre 2011, France 2 diffusera un excellent documentaire sur les "vrais Intouchables", comprenez Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Sellou, deux hommes que tout oppose et … Pozzo di Borgo first hired Sellou shortly after he had been released from prison. As indicated by the photos at the top, Nicole Kidman's character in the movie, Yvonne, is based on Philippe Pozzo di Borgo's real-life female assistant, Laurence Landouc'h (pictured below, right). Both films are inspired by the the real life friendship between French businessman Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo and his French-Algerian caretaker, Abdel Sellou. Qui sont Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Sellou, les deux personnes dont l'histoire incroyable a été adaptée au cinéma et a … The recent popular French film 'Almost best Friends' is based on the life-story and book of Sellou and di Borgo. The rules never applied to him. Pozzo di Borgo helped him become a better person. In the decades after he lost his first wife Béatrice to cancer, Philippe remarried, tying the knot with a Muslim woman named Khadija. "It's very real. “Well, that’s another business decision,” Cranston told IndieWire about the choice. It’s not that Sellou wasn’t all-too-well acquainted with everything that did not work in Pozzo’s paralyzed body. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo was not an American businessman. "He said it would help me. -The Telegraph. Abdel even stole a Faberge egg during his job interview.

. Print length. Abdel Sellou, who is renamed Dell and portrayed by Kevin Hart in the movie, worked as Philippe Pozzo di Borgo's caregiver for ten years. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo is a Christian. Photo: Henning Kaiser . Hachette Books. Sellou’s ability to always find a bright side seems to have been just what Pozzo needed to keep him going. The story of Philippe and his Algerian attendant, Abdel Sallou, was told in a 2003 documentary, A la vie, à la mort. Une clope au bec, l'un en fauteuil, l'autre debout, dans l'intimité muette des vieilles amitiés. Download this stock image: Abdel Sellou (L) and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo sit next to each other during a reading session on stage in the Columbiahalle arts and concert venue in Berlin, Germany, 3 December 2012. As a result, he crashed. I cry because I am in actual pain, not because I'm sad." He was also a successful small-time conman. And it isn’t quite as fictionalized as the original movie seems to have been. Yes. He ended up staying for over ten years in a job he never expected to take, and remained as Pozzo’s unpaid caregiver thereafter. Their story was also adapted in the biographical movies The Intouchables (2011), and the Indian, Argentine, and American re-makes, respectvely, Oopiri (2016), Inseparables (2016), and The Upside (2019). Print length. Pozzo di Borgo helped him become a better person. "He was irreverent, cheeky and had an outrageous sense of humor" (Mirror Online). Phillippe Pozzo di Borgo (qui a inspiré le film Intouchables) revient avec Tugdual Derville sur son rapport avec le temps depuis son accident il y a 25 ans. These movies were based on his memoir, A Second Wind. The story of Abdel Sellou's surprising friendship with aristocrat Philippe Pozzo di Borgo has been told and retold around the world-most recently in the major motion picture The Upside, with comedian and movie star Kevin Hart portraying Abdel and his edgy charm. "That may be true, but in any case, what I am certain of is that he changed mine.” -Mirror Online, Yes. Pozzo et Abdel : à la vie, à l'humour ... Philippe Pozzo di Borgo prendra l'avion pour retrouver ses terres d'Essaouira, au Maroc. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Sellou à la première du film, à Paris, le 18 octobre. Directed by Isabelle Cottenceau, Jean-Pierre Devillers. In this appealing memoir, Sellou shows us the real man behind Kevin Hart's smiling face. "I would be very sad if I had succeeded in killing myself 19 years ago, because I have enjoyed the 19 years that came after that," he told The Telegraph in 2012. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo es un empresario francés que dirigió la compañía Pommery, reconocida marca de champagne francés, y creció en un palacete de la rue de l'Université de París. The ways of marketing are clearly mysterious to behold. However, the story existed long before either the movie or the scandal. I have to understand his problem, and once we both understand each other's problem, then we are in a very close confidence relationship." He met “Pozzo” when he was basically scamming the unemployment office. At the same time, his wife was dying of cancer. Publisher. It never happened. Willberg (January 6, 2021), Review: Find Me in Havana by Serena Burdick (January 12, 2021), Review: The Secrets of Colchester Hall by Sophie Barnes (January 13, 2021), Spotlight + Excerpt: The Vineyard at Painted Moon by Susan Mallery (January 25, 2021). First time I tried it I was 48. By his own account, Sellou grew up fairly wild on the streets of Paris, becoming a thief and a con artist. "What I can tell you is that he drove like mad," said Philippe at the premiere of The Intouchables, the blockbuster French movie on which The Upside was based. Abdel Sellou and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo were two people marginalized by society: Sellou a wisecracking, unemployed immigrant, just out on parole; Pozzo a man born to wealth and privilege, recently paralyzed from the neck down after a paragliding accident. I attempted it because I felt guilty that I was going to be a burden on others who had to look after me," said Philippe. Il vit entre la France et la région d' Essaouira , au Maroc , où il a aujourd'hui sa résidence principale [ 10 ] . 204 pages. -The Telegraph, Abdel Sellou, who is renamed Dell and portrayed by Kevin Hart in the movie, worked as Philippe Pozzo di Borgo's caregiver for ten years. -The Telegraph, Abdel Sellou, who is renamed Dell and portrayed by Kevin Hart in the movie, worked as Philippe Pozzo di Borgo's caregiver for ten years. The story that we’re left with is still interesting. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and Abdel Sellou talk about their books 'Ziemlich beste Freunde' and 'Einfach Freunde' during the lit. As he explained in his memoir A Second Wind, he tried to commit suicide once in 1993 by wrapping his oxygen tube around his neck and jerking backwards. In real life, Abdel didn't play a trick on Philippe by trimming his beard into a Hitler mustache prior to going on a date. Information sur les propriétés de la famille passées ou présentes : Philippe Pozzo di Borgo est l'ancien dirigeant de la maison de vin de Champagne Pommery [1]. Publication date. Copyright © 2020, CTF Media, No. Yes. Mostly Sellou was a thief and even a bit of a shakedown artist. At the time he was hired, Abdel was 21 and Philippe 42. He had been distracted by thoughts of the workers he had laid off and hadn’t been paying enough attention to what he was doing. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo a inspiré l'histoire du film Les Intouchables (2011) d'Eric Toledano et Olivier Nakache avec François Cluzet et Omar Sy Philippe Pozzo di Borgo October 2, 2013 Anna Chromy and the Directors of the Institute are assured that Philippe Pozzo di Borgo can be rightly considered a Conscience of our times. Sellou seems to have grown up without a care in the world, or perhaps a better way of describing it would be not caring much about the world or anyone else in it. Both films cast an able-bodied actor in the role of Philippe. The original title of this book was You Changed My Life, and that’s probably a more accurate description of the contents than the new title. It’s already been a movie, The Intouchables, filmed in France where the real story takes place. Yes. Abdel Sellou a quitté la délinquance pour s'improviser assistant médical d'un handicapé moteur. You Changed My Life by Abdel Sellou and Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo and Caroline Andrieu available in Trade Paperback on, also read synopsis and reviews. "That was true," says Philippe. Previous page. At 4, he was sent to Paris to live with relatives. Aujourd'hui chef d'entreprise, il partage sa vie entre l'Algérie, la France et le Maroc, où habite désormais son ancien patron, ami et bienfaiteur, Philippe Pozzo di Borgo… There have to have been darker parts to this part of the story, but the author never dwells on them. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. -Le Figaro.frPhilippe and his wife have three daughters; two are hers biologically and the other they adopted. Though not included in The Upside movie, Philippe has a strong faith and even had a small chapel included when he had his house built. So, that's one stupid thing I accepted from him.". It’s also not a very deep one, because the author skims over the surface of his life, and never seems willing to dive deeply into his thoughts or feelings. Abdel Sellou (L) and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo sit next to each other during a reading session on stage in the Columbiahalle arts and concert venue in Berlin, Germany, 3 December 2012. "I don't give a damn that he is out of jail. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo et Abdel Sellou ont été interviewés en janvier 2002 dans l'émission de Mireille Dumas Vie privée, vie publique[11]. Language: English. All of Pozzo’s rich friends were certain that the conman was there to take Pozzo for a ride, and bilk him out of all the money he could manage to scam. After completing his education, he began working in the champagne industry. Writer Philippe Pozzo di Borgo and his nurse and friend Abdel Sellou are pictured during a reading of di Borgo's book 'Rather Vulnerable, Rather Strong' at the Literature Festival Lit.Cologne in Cologne, Germany, 10 March 2013. I find myself wondering how some aspects of the story that seem particularly French are going to translate to American audiences. Like in The Upside movie, they also shared a similar sense of humor. "I'm disabled, but he is also a little bit disabled," said Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, the real-life individual on whom Bryan Cranston's character is based. The true story of a charismatic Algerian con-man whose friendship with a disabled French aristocrat inspired the record-breaking hit movie The Intouchables (American remake, The Upside, starting Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston, coming March 2018). Abdel Yasmin Sellou, who inspired Kevin Hart's character, was a career criminal from Algeria who had been in prison for nearly two years. It takes away the pain and puts me to sleep for two hours, but I wake up feeling tired. "This is the guy I need," Philippe recalled in an interview with The Telegraph. Perhaps especially of his own life. The pain we see Bryan Cranston's character endure in the movie is very much based on the real Philippe's constant battle with pain. He spent his time coming up with ways to steal from the tourists who roamed the streets of Paris. In fact, it doesn't help. Not only didn't they get a ticket, the police would escort them to the closest hospital. "We finished our time together without sadness or difficulty." Abdel Sellou Philippe Pozzo Di Stock Photos and Images (24) Page 1 of 1. In 1995 he hired Abdel Sellou, the author of this book, as his “life auxiliary” or caregiver. The Upside true story reveals that the real-life paragliding accident happened in the Savoyard reliefs of Mont Bisanne in the Swiss Alps in 1993 when Philippe was 42. Like his onscreen counterpart, Abdel was indeed hot-tempered and accustomed to solving disputes with his fists, something that he has since given up. "It is quite common this reaction, when the pain gets too bad. Similar to the movie, he was given a private apartment in Philippe’s home. Sellou was an Algerian immigrant to France, having been given by his Algerian parents to his aunt and uncle in Paris when he was a child. >>> Intouchables : le remake américain est en cours de tournage et Omar Sy félicite déjà son remplaçant ! One such prank saw them speed around the city in his posh car until they got pulled over by police, then Philippe would fake a seizure forcing the cops to take them to the nearest hospital. Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, alias "Tétraman", "blindé de fric, entouré d'une armée d'assistantes en jupe plissée", des dents blanches comme le "carrelage de ma douche", qui lui apprend à voir le monde d'un autre point de vue, plus confortable. In researching The Upside true story, we learned that Abdel was indeed a womanizer. ""Back then I would not even have asked those questions about settling down," says Abdel. I'm now settled, squeezed into my new life, but I am still a man and I tell it loudly, which people don't usually. “According to [his memoirs], I have changed his life," Philippe stated. After interviewing around 90 people, like in the movie, Philippe knew immediately that Abdel was the one. Review: The Sweet Life by Sharon Struth + Giveaway, Q&A with Author Linda Lael Miller + Giveaway, Review: The Family Gathering by Robyn Carr + Giveaway, Review: A New Hope by Robyn Carr + Giveaway, Review: The Best of Us by Robyn Carr + Giveaway, Review: Wildest Dreams by Robyn Carr + Giveaway, Review: Leonard by William Shatner with David Fisher, Review: The World Between Two Covers by Ann Morgan, Review: The Comet Seekers by Helen Sedgwick, Review: For the Killing of Kings by Howard Andrew Jones, Review: The Great Quake by Henry Fountain, Review: A Plunder of Souls by D.B.